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Saab Seaeye Falcon ROV located in Americas
Well maintained 2019 Saab Seaeye Falcon observation-class remotely operated vehicle available for immediate sale. Complete system, ready to operate and in excellent condition.
Saab Seaeye Falcon ROV system specification
Standard 300m rated Falcon system in excellent condition
- Falcon vehicle with 14kg payload and including:
- Five SI-MCT01 brushless DC thrusters (4 vectored horizontals and 1 vertical);
- Seaeye Colour video camera, tilt platform and tilt feedback system;
- Automatic heading & depth;
- Navigational solid state compass and integral solid state rate sensor;
- Two dimmable LED lamps.
- Surface Control system including:
- Surface control unit c/w a 22" colour High Brightness Removable Monitor;
- Surface power supply unit;
- Hand Control Unit;
- iCON Configurable Video Overlay system;
- NMEA Input/Output (data export) feature.
- Falcon Technical Manual;
- 60m of 16mm diameter umbilical cable;
Optional items:
- Optional 300m of 16mm diameter umbilical cable;
- Further accessories upon request.
This ROV system is in excellent condition and ready to operate immediately upon receipt of delivery. Contact us for further details.
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